What is unique about Chinese medicine
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is fast becoming recognised internationally as a discipline that is growing in its scientific evidence-base and can effectively complement conventional medicine treatments. In 2013 Traditional Chinese Medicine was incorporated into AHPRA, the national body that regulates and standardises mainstream health practitioners in Australia
Having evolved over thousands of years, Chinese medicine is one of the oldest continually practiced medical systems in the world, it can be help to prevent and treat disease. It can help to relieve pain, balance mood, reduce stress levels, improve immunity, assist with digestive problems, increase energy levels and improve overall health and wellness.
As we come to understand disease in the 21st century our old ways of defining illness based on symptoms is not very useful. Instead by understanding the origins of disease and the way in which the body operates as one whole integrated ecosystem we now know that symptoms appearing in one area of the body may be caused by imbalances in an entirely different system.
The wisdom of Chinese Medicine diagnosis understands that an under-functioning organ or system can cause an imbalance within the whole system. Some clients will simply choose treatment for symptomatic relief and others prefer a holistic approach, choosing to address the underlying imbalances and symptomatic relief.
I to prevent and treat disease,