What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture originated in China more than 2000 years ago. Very fine, single-use, medical-grade, stainless steel needles are inserted to stimulate anatomical points. The needles can be gently manipulated and then retained whilst the patient rests.
Several thousand years ago, east asian practitioners discovered that the body forms disharmonies as a result of the various physical and mental stresses of life. Oriental medical theory explains these disharmonies as an imbalance of opposing forces called yin and yang. This imbalance disrupts the movement of the body's vital energy (qi) along the meridian pathways, Acupuncture treatment is all about achieving harmony and the normal flow of “qi” (or energy) in the body. Stimulating acupuncture points and their related meridians activates and enhances the body’s own self-healing power.
At the core of the practice of Chinese Medicine is a unique and wider view of holism: the human body as one organic part of the surrounding universe, connected with nature. By balancing the human body’s distinct yet interdependent functions, practitioners aim to eliminate disease and promote best possible health.