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Do you experience bloating, low energy, indigestion, flatulence, burping, bad breath? Have a low appetite, or get nauseous easily? These common symptoms may indicate that it's time for you to tune up your digestive system.

Chinese medicine has long believed that a healthy  digestive system is paramount to good health and longevity. In Chinese culture, dishes were cooked for their therapeutic benefits and food was considered to be medicinal as well as being delicious. Over the last few years scientific research has been investigating poor gut microbiome and its link to many different diseases. In summary they are understanding that gut health has an enormous impact on an individuals health and this revelation to western medicine, reinforces the ancient Chinese wisdom of maintaining a healthy digestion. 

Digestive Health - Deakin Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Centre in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle

Look after your gut health and experience the difference that a happy digestive system can make to your mood, energy levels, pain levels, sleep and concentration.

Here are some common digestive issues that Bernice has helped many patients to manage. Some of whom having experienced them for most of their life had "normalised" these digestive issues and were unaware for many years that they indicate an unhealthy digestive system. 

Digestive Health - Deakin Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Centre in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle

Digestive Health - Deakin Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Centre in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle

Bernice Lowe is a registered practitioner with CMBA (Chinese Medicine Board of Australia) and APHRA

CMBA #CMR0001731609

Bernice Lowe offers Acupuncture fertility, IVF support, Pain Relief in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle


Practicing member of AACMA (Australian Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Association)

AACMA #1474

Deakin Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Centre offers safe, effective Acupuncture fertility, IVF support, Pain Relief in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle

Digestive Health - Deakin Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Centre in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle

Deakin Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Centre
Lvl 1, Suite 22, 27 Hopetoun Cct, Deakin ACT 2600
0419 998 574  

Bernice Lowe offers Acupuncture fertility, IVF support, Pain Relief in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle


Deakin Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Centre offers safe, effective Acupuncture fertility, IVF support, Pain Relief in Deakin, Canberra, Sydney, Rozelle